In 2014, seizing the region of Sinjar Iraq, Daesh forces massacred hundreds of Yazidi men and enslaved thousands of their women and children. A codified practice in the name of theological principles. Thousands of women and children, mainly from the Yezidi minority, are still held by the Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and subjected to brutal sexual practices. Rape, trafficking and Forced marriage is now at the heart of a true institution that has its own bureaucracy, infrastructure and codes. So many inhuman practices that the terrorist organization does not care to hide. On the contrary, it lays out the fundamentals in its propaganda and distributes them to the faithful explaining the new "sexual policy" vis-à-vis women and children captives. These practices, justified by the organization as anchored in the teachings of the Koran, part of the "theology of rape" imposed by ISIL and serve to consolidate and expand the sphere influence of the terrorist organization. How to explain this form of slavery today? In what way to restore the dignity of the victims? A large number of women and children are suffering ISIL barbarity and those who have managed to flee are in urgent need of help and support.
-Layla Alonso